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Add n number of working days to date (allow result to be a non working day)

The following ABAP code adds n number of WORKING days to a particular date, but allows result to be a non
working day. For example if starting day is Wednesday and you add three days to it, resultant day would be
Saturday(non working day). Where as if you wanted to totally ignore non working days resultant day would be
Monday (see ABAP code to totally ignore non working days).

Simply add the below ABAP FORM into you code and call it using the usual PERFORM command:
	  PERFORM add_working_days_resnonwork USING ld_numdays
        	                    	      CHANGING gd_date.

*       Add n number of factory days(working days) to date, but allow
*       resultant date to be a non working day
*      <-- P_DAYS     Number of days to add
*      <-- P_PAYDATE  Starting date

FORM add_working_days_resnonwork USING p_days
                       CHANGING p_paydate TYPE sy-datum.

  DATA: ld_count  TYPE i.

  ld_count = p_days.

  WHILE ld_count GT 0.
        date                       = p_paydate
        factory_calendar_id        = 'GB'
        message_type               = 'I'
        date_after_range           = 1
        date_before_range          = 2
        date_invalid               = 3
        date_no_workingday         = 4
        factory_calendar_not_found = 5
        message_type_invalid       = 6
        OTHERS                     = 7.
    IF sy-subrc NE  4.
      p_paydate = p_paydate + 1.
      ld_count = ld_count - 1.
      p_paydate = p_paydate + 1.